Test the waters: mealworms, the latest in pet treats
Have you ever tried to think like a pet? This might sound odd, but take on that inner bearded dragon for a moment. What’s on the menu today? Mealworms, gregarious guests in your pet’s dinner. Of all the delicious creatures to grace Earth, mealworms have to be up there with frogs’ legs, snails and shrimps: wriggly little things which simply melt in your mouth. Watch your pet chomp down on them—they’re like a party in his mouth! Read more now on Healthy dog food.
For some readers, mealworms might be hard to swallow, but there is more to them than meets the eye. Packed with protein and fat, these little larvae put other snacks to shame. Have you noticed how animated your pet becomes when he sees mealworms? It’s like a surprise pizza party has just been announced, brimming with all the best toppings. The fun isn’t just for reptiles. Birds, such as finches, savor mealworms like a gourmet dinner. Watch their lively pecking and fluttering–proof that happiness can be had in the form of a mealworm. Mice and hedgehogs alike are convinced that mealworms are like a sumptuous dessert.
From the practical aspect, how to store mealworms is the key to ensure a fresh and timely supply of tasty treats. A cool place with common bran will keep them waiting for snack-time We can never know their social habits–they’re too much into eating and sleeping for that. And should any escape, fear not– they’re harmless, despite being an unanticipated addition to your partner’s lunch.
Feeding your pet need not be complicated and mealworms make it even simpler. Forget about following some intricate feeding plan; just sneak some here, lay a few there and watch them crunch happily. Like chips to us, once a pet starts eating mealworms, clamping down is almost impossible.
You may never have thought of animal care as a culinary adventure, but mealworms could turn it into one. Once you’ve tired, in a friendly way and at some remove, of those delightful mealworms soon your scaly or feathered friends to be found relaxing and hobnobbing together. So, why not vary things a bit? Introducing mealworms into your pet’s diet will indeed produce his happy and grateful response; and he is sure to persist in his enjoyment.